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Sir Walter 👍


Photo: A flapper sips a Sir Walter in a New York speakeasy, 1923.


  • 9 parts brandy

  • 9 parts golden rum

  • 1 part triple sec

  • 1 part lemon juice

  • 1 part grenadine

Shake with ice and strain into a cocktail glass.

Fantastic. As you can see from the quantities, this is a seriously strong drink, but when completely chilled and strained, it's heaven. I wouldn't have thought I could even taste the last three ingredients, but they're all there, and I might even call the triple sec strong.

This could definitely be called a variant of last week's Embassy, and both drinks are convincing me that brandy and rum were made for each other.

Don't drink it if you've got anything else to do later. I used 5ml parts, and though it didn't even fill the glass, it weighed in at 3.6 units, equivalent to about 2 pints of ale.