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Monkey Gland 👍



  • 50ml gin

  • 30ml orange juice

  • 5ml grenadine

  • 5ml absinth

Shake with ice, and pour into a martini glass. Serve with salted peanuts.

This was a weird one! It doesn't look like much, but it's got an amazing taste – surprisingly drinkable for something that's half gin.

The last two ingredients are in tiny amounts, but they make such a difference: the grenadine gives a much-needed sweetness, while the absinth makes it taste weird, complex and alien. The IBA recipe calls for "two drops" of each, which is surely taking the piss. How big are these drops supposed to be, and what kind of bloodhound would I need in order to detect them?

I happened to drink mine while eating some salted peanuts, and it really went well, with the salty snack balancing the sweet drink – so I put them in the recipe. Although perhaps monkey nuts would have been more appropriate.