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Mapletini (II) 👍



  • 6 parts vodka

  • 3 parts bourbon whiskey

  • 2 parts maple syrup

Shake thoroughly with ice, and pour into a martini glass over a thick slice of orange. Skewer a few raisins on a cocktail stick, and add.

After my first attempt, I felt that this was worth revisiting, and Bonfire Night seemed the appropriate time. I was running out of maple syrup, so I went vodka-heavy, resulting in a lighter taste than last time – there was sweetness, but no strong burnt maple syrup flavour. I thought orange would be worth a try, and it stole the show, lending a nice rich zest that really stood out. Raisins made for a lovely snack after soaking in the drink.

Next time more maple syrup, and definitely green apple.