Long Island Rooibos 👍
15ml vodka
15ml gin
15ml tequila
15ml white rum
15ml triple sec
20ml lemon juice
30ml sugar syrup
A little Red Kola (perhaps 30ml)
Shake all ingredients but the Red Kola together with ice, then strain into a Collins glass over fresh ice. Add the Red Kola and stir just a little.
This is a recipe I made up, based on the Long Island Iced Tea that I've made in the past. The difference is swapping ordinary cola for Red Kola (probably only available in Scotland). It's an interesting change, but doesn't have the same complexity of flavour. Still, it's pretty, and the booze is the important bit anyway!
The lighter colour of the cola shows how little cola you actually need to put into a Long Island Iced Tea. There are bars that will have it be more than half the drink, which really throws the other ingredients into oblivion.