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Kir Impérial 👍



  • 6 parts champagne (or similar)

  • 1 part Chambord

Pour the Chambord into a champagne glass, then add the champagne on top, taking care not to let it fizz up and spill like I did. Using 25ml Chambord and topping up to a normal glass-full should be about right.

Delightful! I've tried this cocktail's cousin, Kir Royale, made with crème de cassis, but this is much nicer, with the champagne basically just acting as a pleasant base for the more interesting taste of the rich raspberry liqueur. And yes, I realise I'm sort of implying that wine doesn't really taste of anything.

Wikipedia has a list of other Kir variations, many of which I'd like to try at some point. I may revisit this. I actually used Prosecco, so I guess I should call this a Chiro Imperiallo or something. I'll leave it for now.