Bed of Roses 👍
4 parts lemon juice
3 parts Messerschmitt (or Jägermeister)
2 parts grenadine
1 part lime juice
Shake with ice, and pour into a martini glass. Add a slice of lime and a cherry.
Remarkable and unexpected! Very sharp but also very sweet, the grenadine and citrus are the main things you taste, with the Messerschmitt only just noticeable. The tartness is uncompromising, and it's great, although after 100ml or so it gets a bit much!
Perhaps it'd be worth trying this with ice and soda water, and maybe with just one more part Messerschmitt. At under 7% alcohol, this makes a good low-alcohol choice. My whole drink was less than one unit, and the strong taste meant that I was quite satisfied.